100.000 contacts for TyT MD-2017

In these instructions I will describe how to configure your TyT MD-2017 to store up to 100.000 contacts. And as a result the info that is displayed on the screen will be nicely formatted.

What you need:

  • The latest firmware for 100.000 contacts. Link to version 4.05 (April 2018)
  • Firmware installer utility. Link to version 3.04
  • Contacts list. Here is a link to the list on the AmateurRadio.digital site. 
What you don't need is a new codeplug. So all the hard work you've put into creating or modifying the codeplug will be saved. Contacts, channels and zones are not touched by this upgrade.

So lets get started

  1. Download the firmware from the link above or search the web for an even later version. HamDigitaal.nl has a nice list.
  2. Unzip the firmware file to a folder.
  3. Inside you will find a folder: MD-2017 1.22 CPS, open that one
  4. If you haven't already done it, run the CPS 2017 Setup v1.22.exe to install the CPS software. You'll need it later.
  5. Also in this folder you will find the firmware files. The two we're interested in are the (CSV) and the (CSV-GPS). The other two will give you the option to record QSO's but can't hold the 100.000 contacts. It's a memory thing... I like to use APRS so my choice is the CSV-GPS version. 
  6. Install the Firmware installer software (you might need to run the installer as Administrator)
  7. Start the Firmware installer software and under the "User Program" section, click on "Open file upgrade". 

  8. In the open file dialog select the firmware file.

  9. Connect your MD-2017 to your computer using the USB programming cable. With the radio powered off, hold down the PTT and orange button and power the radio on. The screen will remain off but the LED light on top will flash red and green. The MD-2017 is now ready to be updated. 
  10. To do so click on the "Download file of upgrade" button.
    Do not turn off the MD-2017 before the process has finished.
    But once it has you can turn off the MD-2017 and turn it back on again.

    Now it time to upload the contacts list. It's the .csv file you downloaded from the excellent AmateurRadio.digital site.
  11. Open the CPS software and click on "Program" and "Write Contacts".

  12. In the dialog that appears click on the "Import" button. This lets you select the contacts file. Browse to the file and select it.

  13. If the import was succesfull it will show this box.

    Pretty fancy éh?
  14. Now you can start the writing process. Make sure the MD-2017 is switched on and click on "Write". If you want you can get a cup of coffee because, based on the number of contacts, this process will take a while.

    But when this screen appears you're almost ready.

  15. Now you have to tell the MD-2017 that it should use the new .csv contactslist instead of the internal one. So on the MD-2017 go into the menu and scroll down to "Utillities" click. Then click on "Radio Settings" and scroll down to ContactsCSV (menu item 13). Click, select "Turn On" and Confirm. 

  16. After this you can exit out to the main screen and your MD-2017 is ready for use.
Remeber that everytime you upload a new codeplug or firmware you will have to go back into the settings of your MD-2017 and select the ContactCSV as in step 15.

If you have any questions you can leave a comment below.
Good luck and enjoy.

73 de Pieter - ON3PH


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